Abilene Prays is a part of the America Prays network. We are an inter-denominational, multi-ethnic, Jesus-centered prayer movement covering Abilene, TX in 24/7 prayer.
America is in desperate need of revival and spiritual awakening. Our only hope is prayer. Unified prayer in the upper room preceded the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:14). Will you join us in prayer? Will you stand in the gap for your community?
Our vision is to unite and equip churches in Abilene, Texas in 24/7 prayer for transformation and spiritual awakening.
Our call is to devote ourselves to prayer for our communities and nation. The Early Church’s devotion to prayer brought them to a place of unity and common purpose. Acts 1:14, “These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer.”
Every church in America regardless of their size, location, annual budget, worship style or theology can adopt a day, half-day, or even hour of prayer every month. A monthly day of prayer is not the end game, but it is a simple on-ramp that helps churches develop a culture of prayer.
Churches commit to adopt a monthly day of prayer or half day of prayer and cover those 12 to 24 hours in prayer. Recruit people to pray in 30-60 minute segments from home, work, school or at church. Churches pray the same day of the month (1st, 8th) or day of the week (3rd Wed).